
Introduction to the Enneagram: A Crash Course ft. Teodora Paucean

Being a new manager or entrepreneur of an expanding team, is a thrilling yet daunting task. The complexity of managing individuals with diverse personalities often becomes a source of anxiety. In this exploration, we delve into the…

Mastering Jungian Typology: A Deep Dive with Michael Pierce

Hello personality enthusiasts! We had the honor to be able to have Michael Pierce to do a public session for the Singapore Typology Community. Michael Pierce is a Jungian researcher and well-known figure online with his substantial…

INFJ and INFP – Relationship Compatibility

Have you ever met someone who seemed to just “get” you from the very beginning? For INFPs and INFJs, that connection can feel almost magical. Both types are deeply empathetic, introspective, and committed to personal growth. It’s…

The 4 Most Common Subtypes of INFJs (Based on Enneagram)

INFJs are often stereotyped as shy, introverted idealists who are deeply philosophical and detached from the outside world. This simplistic label fails to capture the diversity that exists within this type, and can sometimes even lead INFJs…

Find Your True MBTI Type Through the Dichotomies

The human personality is a complex and multifaceted aspect of our being that influences how we perceive and interact with the world around us. There are several theories and frameworks that have been developed over the years…

Quick Exercise to Find Your MBTI Type (Self-Test)

By following through each of the 4 sections below, you will be able to clarify your MBTI type as well as gain a quick overview of the 4 dichotomies. This is not meant to be a definitive…

How To Find Your True MBTI Type

Are you curious about your personality type and how it influences your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors? One popular tool for understanding personality is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which is based on the theory of cognitive functions…


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